
phosphorus and potassium. Learn more about phosphorus and potassium.

  • What is phosphorus and potassium fertilizer

    What is phosphorus and potassium fertilizer

    I often hear people mention phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, so what is phosphorus and potassium fertilizer? Have you thought about this question? Today, let's find out the answer. What is phosphorus and potassium fertilizer? phosphorus and potassium fertilizer refers to fertilizer with relatively high content of phosphorus and potassium. For different plants or vegetables

    2020-11-08 What yes phosphorus and potassium fertilizer often listen to people mention phosphorus potash fertilizer
  • What kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium?

    What kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium?

    Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium play an important role in the process of plant growth, so what kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium? What's the use? What kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer? Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is a fertilizer that supplements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for plants.

    2020-11-09 Nitrogen and phosphorus potassium fertilizer what is fertilizer fertilizer in the process of plant growth
  • Characteristics and functions of common fertilizers

    Characteristics and functions of common fertilizers

    In sandy soil, all phosphate fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer, half of nitrogen fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer, and the other half should be topdressing by stages in the process of growth and development, and then the amount of water should not be too large to avoid fertilizer leakage after flood irrigation. In clayey soil, under the condition of water irrigation, phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer of 2 to 3 can be used as base fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer of 1 to 3 can be applied by stages, and none.

  • Teach you tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach and other 24 kinds of cash crop fertilization program (method), after learning to fear not high yield!

    Teach you tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach and other 24 kinds of cash crop fertilization program (method), after learning to fear not high yield!

    Nowadays, more and more agricultural materials enterprises pay attention to agrochemical services, but the skills of agrochemical service personnel are mixed. Growers will be skeptical. Xiaobian simply summarizes the management and fertilization schemes for 24 crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers and spinach that are common in life at present. After all,

    2020-11-09 teach you tomatoes cucumbers spinach etc. 24 species cash crops
  • Relationship between Plant Nutrition Principle and Fertilization of Orchid

    Relationship between Plant Nutrition Principle and Fertilization of Orchid

    Relationship between Plant Nutrition Principle and Fertilization of Orchid

  • The proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium applied to potatoes should be appropriate.

    The proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium applied to potatoes should be appropriate.

    The demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in potato is equally important. In the process of yield formation, nitrogen supply is the basis to ensure the formation of sufficient green leaf area for photosynthesis; phosphorus supply is also indispensable for tuber formation and starch accumulation; on the basis of sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium supply is necessary for carbohydrate assimilation in the early stage, aboveground to underground tuber transportation and starch accumulation in the later stage. The field test showed that the absorption ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in potato was about 1 ∶ 0.5 ∶ 2.5.

  • How to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in corn planting?

    How to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in corn planting?

    How to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in corn planting? Please give guidance to planting maize phosphorus, potassium fertilizer application effect due to soil available content has a great difference, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is conducive to early seedling, strong plant big ear, improve the grain-leaf ratio, increase grain number and grain weight, is an important condition to improve population quality. But after phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application, large...

  • Fertilizer application method of Guolan in the north

    Fertilizer application method of Guolan in the north

    Fertilizer application method of Guolan in the north

  • Pay attention to less phosphorus and more potassium in fertilizing wheat

    Pay attention to less phosphorus and more potassium in fertilizing wheat

    First of all, the partial application of phosphorus to wheat is to increase the cost. Diammonium is quite expensive this year, with 64% of its retail price exceeding 3900 yuan per ton. Phosphorus is necessary, but there is no need for excess. Empirical data show that when 40-50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer containing 15% pure phosphorus is used as base fertilizer per mu, there is generally no shortage.

    2020-11-08 Planting wheat fertilization attention less phosphorus more potassium partial application phosphorus
  • Operation and Research methods of phosphorus and potassium Fertilizer for High-yield Maize

    Operation and Research methods of phosphorus and potassium Fertilizer for High-yield Maize

    The application effect of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer varies greatly due to the available content of soil. The application of phosphorus and potassium is beneficial to the early development of strong seedlings, strong plants and large ears, increase the ratio of grains to leaves, increase the number of grains and grain weight, which is an important condition to improve population quality. However, after the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, most of it was absorbed and fixed by the soil, and the absorption and utilization rate was low in the soil.

  • What are the fertilizer requirements of ginger?

    What are the fertilizer requirements of ginger?

    What are the fertilizer requirements of ginger? Please explain in detail the fertilizer requirements of ginger: (1) the growth of ginger needs comprehensive nutritious fertilizer, and all kinds of nutrient elements are indispensable, otherwise it will have a certain impact on its yield and quality. Ginger needs to absorb nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium continuously during its growth.

  • Ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in Rice Base Fertilizer

    Ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in Rice Base Fertilizer

    The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in rice base fertilizer is 2 to 1. 2. Of course, the land fertility in different areas is different, or the amount of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium fertilizer should be determined according to the content of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen in the local soil. In addition, we should pay attention to the method and use when fertilizing rice.

    2020-11-09 Rice base fertilizer nitrogen and phosphorus potassium ratio rice medium nitrogen phosphorus and potassium.
  • How to apply fertilizer to plant ginseng (American ginseng)?

    How to apply fertilizer to plant ginseng (American ginseng)?

    How to apply fertilizer to plant ginseng (American ginseng)? Ginseng and American ginseng are perennial root plants and have strict requirements for fertilizer. After expert research, it is found that it is a potassium-loving plant, and its absorption of potassium is far greater than that of nitrogen and phosphorus, that is to say, potassium is an important factor to determine whether ginseng is high-yield or not. And as it grows.

  • What kind of fertilizer is used to grow potatoes now for high yield? What should I pay attention to when buying fertilizer?

    What kind of fertilizer is used to grow potatoes now for high yield? What should I pay attention to when buying fertilizer?

    Potatoes are also known as yam, yam egg, sweet potato, potato What kind of fertilizer is used to grow potatoes now for high yield? What should I pay attention to when buying fertilizer? Now grow potatoes and apply them

    2020-11-09 Now grow potato apply what fertilizer high yield buy
  • If watermelons are sweet, they must be fertilized with potash.

    If watermelons are sweet, they must be fertilized with potash.

    According to the investigation, the problem of the imbalance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in melon soil is more prominent at present. Watermelon is a crop that needs potassium. The application of potassium fertilizer can increase the sugar content of fruit. When potash fertilizer is applied to watermelon, it is generally 18 kg per mu of potassium sulfate, that is, 3 kg of base fertilizer per mu and 8 kg of topdressing at seedling stage.

  • Application proportion of Special Fertilizer in Cotton drip Irrigation Field

    Application proportion of Special Fertilizer in Cotton drip Irrigation Field

    First, the total amount of cotton fertilizer input in high latitude sub-suitable cotton areas per unit yield of seed cotton 300-380 kg, the need to put 70-80 kg of natural fertilizer, equivalent to 160-180 kg of standard fertilizer. To achieve "jin fat cotton". If you put 1 kg of standard fertilizer, you can produce 1 kg of lint. 137 regiment soil test results and cotton plant nutrition diagnosis generally lack zinc, 1-2 kg zinc fertilizer is applied in autumn, and the yield is increased by 5% and 10%. For plots rich in potassium, the application of potash fertilizer is 5-10 kg, especially

  • Four periods of mango fertilization concentration for potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus mango

    Four periods of mango fertilization concentration for potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus mango

    Four periods of mango fertilization concentration for potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus mango

  • What kinds of fertilizers are commonly used?

    What kinds of fertilizers are commonly used?

    What kinds of fertilizers are commonly used?

  • Early phosphorus sufficient potassium pomelo tree has high yield

    Early phosphorus sufficient potassium pomelo tree has high yield

    Pomelo, also known as honey pomelo, branches and leaves fruit than citrus thick and broad, high yield per mu, fertilizer application is also more, is the "big eater" in the citrus family. The main producing areas of pomelo are mainly in South China, the soil is seriously short of potassium, and the amount of potassium fertilizer is about the same as that of nitrogen fertilizer. Pomelo nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium balanced fertilization, to control nitrogen fertilizer, early application of phosphorus fertilizer, application.

  • Radish planting: how to fertilize white radish?

    Radish planting: how to fertilize white radish?

    How to fertilize white radish? Please introduce the method of fertilization radish absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is slow at the initial stage of growth, and accelerates with growth. To the peak growth period of fleshy root, the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is the most. Radish in different growth stages of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorption is very different, generally more nitrogen uptake at seedling stage, phosphorus.
